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<strong>Turkish Translation by Native Turkish Translators<strong/>
Тип реєстрації
Незалежний перекладач і роботодавець, Користувач Особу перевірено.
Data security
This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Електронний переказ, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Грошовий переказ
Company size
4-9 employees
Year established
Currencies accepted
Euro (eur), Turkish Lira (try), U. S. dollars (usd)
Зразків перекладу: 1
Турецька --> англійська: Taahhütname General field: Юриспруденція/Патенти Detailed field: Право (загальне)
Оригінал - Турецька Müsteşarlığınızdan almış olduğum ...……... Tarih ve .....…… Sayılı Teşvik Belgesi kapsamında…..İlinde yapacağım ........……. Konusundaki......……………..nevindeki yatırımımı belgemde kayıtlı .........……....... oranındaki özkaynak tutatarına tekabül eden özkaynak ile geçekleştireceğimi, özkaynağı nakdi sermaye koymak suretiyle artırdığım takdirde artan kısım için yapacağım harcamaları yine özkaynaktan yapacağımı, özkaynaktan yapacağım harcamaların belirtilen şekil dışında ve oranların altında gerçekleştirildiğinin tespiti halinde ise fazladan aldığım kaynak kullanımını destekleme Primini (Teşvik mevzuatında öngörülen müeyyideler saklı kalmak üzere) ilk talepte cezai faiziyle birlikte Türkiye Kalkınma Bankası A.ş. Genel Müdürlüğüne ödeyeceğimi, aksi takdirde hakkımda 6183 Sayılı Kanun hükümlerinin uygulanmasını Kabul ve taahhüt ederim.
Переклад - англійська I hereby accept and undertake that I shall actualize my investment I shall make on the Subject of …………. type in the city of ………. within scope of the Certificate of Incentive Numbered ……….….. and Dated …………….. with the equity capital corresponding to the amount of equity capital at the rate ………….. recorded in my certificate, in case where I have increased the equity capital by depositing monetary capital, I shall make the expenses I shall make for the increased amount again from the equity capital, in case where it was discovered that the expenses I shall make would be having been realized outside the nature and below the rates specified, I shall disburse Resource Usage Supportive Premium I have received extra (Provided that the provisions predicted in the Incentive legislation remain reserved) together with its penal interest at the first demand to Turkish Development Bank Inc. Co. General Directorate, otherwise I agree and undertake that the provisions of Law Numbered 6183 are exercised to me.
Standards / Certification(s)
Notary Approved
This company
Offers job opportunities for employees Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Перекладацька освіта
Bachelor's degree
Років перекладацького стажу: 22 Дата реєстрації на Jun 2005.
Safiye TINGIR-Turkish Translation Services ( a very active Turkish translation bureau with a multidisciplinary team of in-house translators and freelancers.
We would like to offer our translation services from English,German,French,Russian,Arabic to Turkish or vice versa. Since we are specialised in translations into Turkish, we can provide high quality translations at very competitive prices.
We can handle your projects for the following fields:
Information technology
Web localisation
Safiye TINGIR Company of Translation Agency has been cooperating with many associations and respectable firms successfully to provide translation services and International Education since it was established, and has been using care and self-sacrificing as if it is an affiliate of the firms that it has cooperated with.
Ключові слова: Safiye TINGIR Çeviri Hizmetleri, Safiye TINGIR Turkish Translation Services, Turkish Translation Services, English to Turkish translation, Turkish to English translation, Turkish Translator, Turkish English translation, Translate English to Turkish, English to Turkish Technical translation
Medikal Çeviri, Tıbbi Çeviri. See more.Safiye TINGIR Çeviri Hizmetleri, Safiye TINGIR Turkish Translation Services, Turkish Translation Services, English to Turkish translation, Turkish to English translation, Turkish Translator, Turkish English translation, Translate English to Turkish, English to Turkish Technical translation
Medikal Çeviri, Tıbbi Çeviri, Teknik Çeviri, Hukuki Çeviri, Websitesi çevirisi, İngilizce Medikal Çeviri, İngilizce Tıbbi Makale Çevirisi. See less.