Член з Jan '03

Робочі мови:
англійська --> російська
англійська --> українська
польська --> російська


Місцевий час: 22:34 CET (GMT+1)

Рідні мови: російська (Variant: Standard-Russia) 
Тип реєстрації Незалежний письмовий перекладач і (або) усний перекладач, Identity Verified Член ProZ.com. Особу перевірено, Модератор ProZ.com
Цей перекладач допомогає в локалізації ProZ.com на мову: російська
Цей перекладач допомогає в локалізації ProZ.com на мову: українська
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Компанії This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Послуги Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling
Предметні галузі
Спеціалізується в галузях:
Медицина: ФармацевтикаМедицина (загальне)
Медицина: Охорона здоров’яМедицина: Медичне обладнання
Медицина: СтоматологіяМедицина: Кардіологія
Хімія; Хімічні технологіїБіологія (біотехніка, біохімія, мікробіологія)
Наука (загальне)Фізика

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 3,018
Волонтерська робота Розгляну питання про волонтерську роботу для зареєстрованої некомерційної організації
англійська --> російська - Ціни: 0.05 - 0.10 USD за слово / 20 - 35 USD за годину

Активність у КудоЗ (PRO) Бали рівня PRO: 50743, Відповідей: 15903, Запитань: 475
Історія проектів 3 записаних проектів

Payment methods accepted PayPal, Електронний переказ
Портфоліо Зразків перекладу: 1
Глосарії Biochemistry, Biology/Ecology, Biophysics, Chemistry, Medical, MSDS, Pharmaceuticals, Science
Перекладацька освіта Sankt Petersburg University
Стаж Років перекладацького стажу: 49 Дата реєстрації на ProZ.com: Jan 2000. Став учасником: Jan 2002.
Дипломи англійська --> російська (by National Courses of Foreign Languages, verified)
Членство в об’єднаннях N/A
КомандиProZ.com Russian Localization Team, Ukrainian localization for ProZ.com
Програмне забезпечення Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBYY FineReader, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Сайт http://www.proz.com/pro/4490
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Powwows organized
Професійні види діяльності Natalie підтримує ProZ.com's Професійний Кодекс.
Біографічні дані

Full-time professional medical and pharmaceutical translator and editor with 45 years of experience; SDL Studio 2017, MemoQ; PayPal payments accepted


Translation - Editing - Proofreading
iiisffhvsuxyccovbwhr.gifMedicine - Pharmacology: 
Case Report Forms (CRF) -- Clinical Trial Protocols -- Drug Registration Documentation -- Informed Consent Forms (ICF) -- IVRS User Guides -- 
Instructions for use (IFU) -- Leaflets -- Medical Marketing Brochures -- Manuals for Medical and Surgical Devices and Equipment -- 
Package Inserts and Labels -- Patient Information -- 
Pharmacological Research Reports -- Quality of Life Questionnaires
rtvyk2bu6qdelxa5pxyx.gif Biochemistry - Chemistry

Chemical Safety Databases -- MSDS Datasheets

gzethksx39ttt4peokyk.gif  Biophysics - Physics 
o0s0qzycjrxqnt00j78e.gifBiology - amqienkfu7z8zas5q7hf.gif Ecology - nynbqiu5smuceym46prb.gif - Website localization -
nut6q37yjk63uwkoelv4.gif  Software/Hardware Manuals - oszs2xym5okhizk8vqkz.gif Fiction - rrcyxq57lebiwaggfdmk.gif General texts of any nature

lyduc7jgh4fjjx7cwmw9.gif Native Russian/Ukrainian speaker.
45 years in freelance translation.

at9m0j4ebmbfxsywor83.gif M.Sc. in Biophysics, Ph.D. in Biochemistry

Since 2012 - full-time freelance translator
1991-2011 - senior researcher in a scientific research institute in Warsaw
Full list of scientific publications includes over 30 positions. 
1978-1991 - Senior engineer/researcher (Laboratory of Electron Microscopy); 1989 -  Ph.D. thesis
1977 - Graduated from the Dept of Biophysics, KSU. 

ichncicpaer48d3hqzci.gif Translations of novels ("The Drifters" by James Michener, "The Death in the Clouds" by Agatha Christie, "Cry, the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton) and short stories ("The Seeds of Time" by John Windham), stories by Isaac Asimov, Jiri Prohaska, Juri Kossach

s7rhqgf5bp76pvqptuzs.gif 7 years of En-Ru and En-Ua translations for ICTV (Ukrainian TV station): NBC Super-Channel soundtracks and scripts (ITN World News, Executive Life Styles, Ushuaia, Life Choice, The Tonight Show, Videofashion!, I Witness Video, Disaster Chronicles, Holiday Destination), serials (Street Legal, Hill Street Blues, Danger Bay, Star Trek Voyager, Transformers), over 30 movies

o9vmahzxjwap5crltgua.gif Brainbench Certifications:
Medical Terminology Specialist
Written English Professional
Windows Power User
Word Power user
Photoshop  Power User 

tdpuso3u3yxtzdyac4pt.gif Equipment: IBM PC, Windows 10
Can handle almost every text and graphic file format.

nbbnjvkcbop1ijniopa9.gif Software Packages Used:
MS Office 2019
Adobe Acrobat DC
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Corel Draw X6
ABBYY FineReader Pro 15.0
SDL Studio 2017 
MemoQ 9.8 
Subtitle Workshop

v0pac1t86rc8cdgn5zq4.gif Payment: bank transfer, paypal.

Цей користувач отримав бали KudoZ, допомагаючи іншим у перекладі термінів рівня ПРО. Щоб побачити запропоновані переклади термінів, клацніть на відповідній сумі балів.

Загальна кількість балів: 50916
Бали рівня ПРО: 50743

Найважливіші мови (ПРО)
англійська --> російська38482
російська --> англійська4308
англійська --> польська2529
польська --> англійська1964
польська --> російська995
Бали у ще 57 парах >
Найважливіші загальні сфери (ПРО)
Гуманітарні науки/Література1240
Бали у ще 4 сферах >
Найважливіші вузькі сфери (ПРО)
Медицина: Фармацевтика14519
Медицина (загальне)7434
Біологія (біотехніка, біохімія, мікробіологія)4679
Медицина: Медичне обладнання2525
Хімія; Хімічні технології2241
Медицина: Охорона здоров’я1127
Бали у ще 92 сферах >

Переглянути всі отримані бали >
Ключові слова: english to russian translator, medical translator, native Russian speaker, Russian native speaker, medical translations, CAT tools, SDL Trados, SDL Studio, Wordfast, MemoQ. See more.english to russian translator, medical translator, native Russian speaker, Russian native speaker, medical translations, CAT tools, SDL Trados, SDL Studio, Wordfast, MemoQ, clinical trials, clinical studies, medical english into russian translator, medical english into russian proofreader, medical, pharmaceutical, translation, translator, editing, editor, proofreader, proofreading, medicine, english to russian translation, english to russian translator, english to ukrainian translation, english to ukrainian translator, medical english to russian translator, medical english to russian translation, medical english to ukrainian translator, medical english to ukrainian translation, healthcare english to russian translator, healthcare english to russian translation, medical english into russian proofreading, medical english into ukrainian proofreader, medical english into ukrainian proofreading, healthcare english into russian proofreader, healthcare english into russian proofreading, healthcare english into ukrainian proofreader, healthcare english into ukrainian proofreading, health care english into russian proofreader, health care english into russian proofreading, health care english into ukrainian proofreader, health care english into ukrainian proofreading, medicine english into russian proofreader, medicine english into russian proofreading, medicine english into ukrainian proofreader, medicine english into ukrainian proofreading, pharmacy english into russian proofreader, pharmacy english into russian proofreading, pharmacy english into ukrainian proofreader, pharmacy english into ukrainian proofreading, pharmaceutical english into russian proofreader, pharmaceutical english into russian proofreading, pharmaceutical english into ukrainian proofreader, pharmaceutical english into ukrainian proofreader, biochemistry, biophysics, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, medical, informed consent, clinical study, clinical studies, adverse events, clinical study protocol, non-clinical trials, quality of life questionnaire, CTD, registration dossier, SOP, standard operational procedure, analytical validation, validation, pharmacopeia, EMEA, USP, Ph. Eur., medicines, chemicals, safety, labelling, IPCC, health and safety, annotation, medicinal preparation, pharmaceutical composition, compound, pharmaceutical compound, formulation, drug formulation, pharmaceutical product, clinical medicine, clinical oncology, clinical pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, clinical chemotherapy, pharmaceutical english into russian translator, pharmaceutical english into russian translation, pharmaceutical english into ukrainian translator, pharmaceutical english into ukrainian translation, clinical trials english into russian translator, clinical trials english into russian translation, pulmonolgy, TB, cardiology, dermatology, internal medicine, infections, infectology, neurology, endocrinology, cardiovascular, critical care, emergency, metabolism, epidemiology, family medicine, gastroenterology, hepatology, immunology, allergology, infectious diseases, laboratory medicine, microbiology, nephrology, nutrition, obstetrics, gynecology, occupational therapy, oncology, ophtalmology, orthopedics, pathology, pediatrics, pharmacology, anatomy, histology, biology, physiology, physiotherapy, primary care, psychiatry, radiology, reproductive health, respiratory medicine, rheumatology, sexual medicine, toxicology, urology, vascular surgery, pharmaceuticals, medical (general), Investigator's Brochures, Informed Consents, Clinical Trials Reports, Medical & Discharge Summaries, Certificate of Analysis, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), monitoring report, case report form, contraceptive, cardiology, gastroenterology, surgery, chemistry, MSDS, occupational safety, pharmaceutical, pharmacology, physics, research papers, environment, website localization, diploma, certificate, case report forms, CRF, clinical trial protocols, drug registration, ICF, IVRS, user guides, instructions for use, IFU, leaflets, manuals, package inserts, labels, patient information, pharmacological research reports, quality of life, questionnaires, healthcare literature, medical literature, health care, biological, life sciences, medical rehabilitation, biophysics, research, clinical research, science, scientific, investigation, investigator, clinical, brochure, protocol, analysis, result, outcome, physiological, animal, experiment, headache, hypoxia, hypoxic, drug registration, pulmonolgy, TB, cardiology, dermatology, internal medicine, infections, infectology, neurology, endocrinology, cardiovascular, critical care, emergency, metabolism, epidemiology, family medicine, gastroenterology, hepatology, immunology, allergology, infectious diseases, laboratory medicine, microbiology, nephrology, nutrition, obstetrics, gynecology, occupational therapy, oncology, ophtalmology, orthopedics, pathology, pediatrics, pharmacology, anatomy, histology, biology, physiology, physiotherapy, primary care, psychiatry, radiology, reproductive health, respiratory medicine, rheumatology, sexual medicine, toxicology, urology, vascular surgery, pharmaceuticals, medical (general), Investigator's Brochures, Informed Consents, Clinical Trials Reports, Medical & Discharge Summaries, Certificate of Analysis, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), monitoring report, case report form, contraceptive, cardiology, gastroenterology, surgery, summary of product characteristics (SPC), patient information leaflet (PIL), research protocol, clinical trial protocol, pharmaceutical english to russian translator, pharmaceutical english to russian translation, pharmaceutical english to ukrainian translator, pharmaceutical english to ukrainian translation, health care, medical, pharmaceutical, translation, translator, editing, editor, proofreader, proofreading, medicine, english to russian translation, english to russian translator, english to ukrainian translation, english to ukrainian translator, medical english to russian translator, medical english to russian translation, english to russian translation, english to russian translator, russian translator, biochemistry, biophysics, biology, ecology, pharmacology, medicine, medical, CRF, clinical trial protocols, informed consent, chemistry, MSDS, occupational safety, pharmaceutical, pharmacology, physics, research papers, environment, software, hardware, website localization, fiction, diplomas, certificates, academic transcripts, case report forms, CRF, clinical trial protocols, drug registration, informed consent forms, ICF, IVRS, user guides, instructions for use, IFU, leaflets, manuals, surgical devices, medical equipment, package inserts, labels, patient information, pharmacological research reports, quality of life, questionnaires, diploma, transcript, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce cetificate, death certificate, study drug, medications, clinical expert statement, summary bridging report, periodic safety update report, pharmacovigilance, adverse events, clinical trials, informed consent form, investigator brochure, clinical study protocol, preclinical, randomization, double blind trial. See less.

Останне оновлення профілю
Dec 24, 2024