Сполученi Штати Америки09:13
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Literary translations:
Spiritual: “Death of a Mystic”, “Sower of Dreams”, both by L.C. Scandiuzzi
Pirate Adventure: “Under the Black Ensign”, Sci-Fi: “To the Stars”, both by L. Ron Hubbard.
Civic Activism: “Building Civil Societies: A Guide for Social and Political Activism” by H. Hoodfar, N. Pazira.
Reference: The Royal Canin Cat Encyclopedia
Christian: “After the Due Order” by Larry Gordon
Spiritual: “Death of a Mystic”, “Sower of Dreams”, both by L.C. Scandiuzzi
Pirate Adventure: “Under the Black Ensign”, Sci-Fi: “To the Stars”, both by L. Ron Hubbard.
Civic Activism: “Building Civil Societies: A Guide for Social and Political Activism” by H. Hoodfar, N. Pazira.
Reference: The Royal Canin Cat Encyclopedia
Christian: “After the Due Order” by Larry Gordon
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Language variants:
- Source languages
- англійська – US, Canadian, US South
- Target languages
- українська – Standard-Ukraine
- російська – Standard-Russia, Standard-Ukraine
- українська – Standard-Ukraine
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