Archived polls

6147 polls, displaying 51 through 100
What are your thoughts on dubbing in movies?
By Sarah Presciutti - featured on Jan 17
It’s an added service, nothing wrong with it 34.7%
Necessary for non-multilingual people 22.7%
It limits learning new languages 17.4%
It’s outdated 8.7%
I’m neutral 8.7%
I love it 7.9%
242 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has AI (LLMs etc.) changed your day-to-day work this year?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 16
Yes, somewhat. 29.3%
Not at all. 28.1%
Yes, radically. 26.9%
A bit. 13.1%
Other (discuss) 2.6%
580 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Will AI increase or decrease demand for language learning in the long term?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 13
Decrease. 66.5%
No impact. 20.4%
Increase. 13.1%
191 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever tried smart glasses?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 12
No, why would I? 74.9%
No, but I'd love to. 23.4%
Yes, not worth it. 1.7%
Yes, loved them! 0.0%
175 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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An NDA with high fine for each potential violation written out only for the translator...
By Ekaterina Chashnikova - featured on Jan 11
should be avoided at all costs 56.2%
is the standard practice 13.7%
is variation of the standard practice 11.9%
Other (please comment) 11.1%
is OK because it's just an NDA 7.1%
226 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you do, do you prefer playing video games in your native language?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 10
N/A (other) 32.8%
No. 28.7%
It depends. 19.8%
Yes. 18.7%
268 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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"In the future, many workers will be let go because because they don’t work effectively with AI"
By anonymous - featured on Jan 9
Agree 47.7%
Not sure 37.2%
Disagree 15.1%
285 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are Large Language Models ready for legal translation?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 8
Not sure. 40.3%
No. 36.9%
Yes. 16.0%
Other (please share) 6.8%
293 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you believe leadership and management roles will be affected by AI?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 7
Not sure. 30.7%
Not at all. 18.1%
Up to a point. 17.0%
A lot. 16.6%
A bit. 15.2%
N/A (please share) 2.5%
277 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you feel about the end of this year compared to previous years?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 6
Less optimistic 32.4%
About the same 27.9%
More optimistic 16.7%
Ready for a fresh start 10.3%
Reflective and introspective 9.8%
N/A (other) 2.9%
204 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the biggest challenge you face as a freelance translator or interpreter?
By Ersin Berber - featured on Jan 5
Finding new clients/projects 43.1%
2/3 of the above 21.3%
Negotiating fair rates 14.7%
Balancing work and personal life 6.1%
Marketing and self-promotion 5.6%
N/A Other 5.1%
Managing workload and deadlines 3.6%
Staying updated with industry tools and trend 0.5%
197 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which role prepares you best for leading an LSP?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 4
Project Management. 36.9%
Language expert. 25.6%
Other (N/A) 22.6%
Sales. 7.1%
Finance and Admin. 4.8%
Language Ops. 3.0%
168 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which skill group do you see as rising the most in prominence for workers in 2025-2026?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 3
All of the above. 41.9%
Self-management (active learning, resilience) 18.2%
Critical thinking and analysis. 10.1%
Other (please share) 8.6%
Some of the above. 8.1%
None of the above. 7.6%
Problem-solving. 5.6%
198 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever canceled an already accepted translation or interpretation request? (Accepted by you.)
By anonymous - featured on Jan 2
No 47.4%
Yes 45.1%
I don't remember 7.5%
213 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As a member, would you like to be invited to test the ProZ upcoming new site?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 1
No 50.0%
Yes. 39.5%
Other (discuss) 10.5%
162 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think the public sector should provide stronger support for reskilling displaced workers?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 31, 2024
Yes. 54.4%
It depends. 28.0%
No. 9.3%
Other (please share) 8.3%
193 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you planning to make any professional changes in 2025?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 30, 2024
Yes. 33.0%
No. 28.4%
Maybe. 23.3%
Not sure. 12.1%
Other (N/A) 3.3%
215 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you make your plans?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 29, 2024
In my head—no written plans needed. 29.2%
On paper (notebooks, planners, sticky notes) 25.0%
Using a mix of paper and digital tools. 24.5%
On a digital device (tablet, phone, computer) 16.7%
Other (please specify). 4.7%
192 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you cope with massive changes to your translations?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 28, 2024
I review and adjust methodically over time. 31.4%
I adapt quickly and embrace the changes. 20.9%
Other (please specify). 20.9%
I find it challenging but eventually adapt. 14.0%
I prefer to stick to the original version. 8.7%
I seek feedback or support from others. 4.1%
172 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you trade or invest in stocks/forex/crypto/indices/commodities/futures/CFDs/options?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 27, 2024
No 64.3%
Yes 23.8%
No, but I plan to do it in the future 11.9%
269 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Did you notice a summer slowdown in business this year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 26, 2024
Fairly stable. 44.2%
Yes, definitely. 44.2%
No, busier than ever. 11.6%
147 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you tried the new YouTube AI Live Dubbing feature?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 25, 2024
No, why would I? 73.4%
No, but I'd like to. 19.0%
Yes, not worth it. 4.4%
Yes, loved it! 3.2%
158 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use AI tools for transcription / subtitling?
By Ekaterina Chashnikova - featured on Dec 24, 2024
No, I do not do transcription / subtitling 38.1%
No, I prefer to do it manually 21.1%
No, I do not know about such tools 12.1%
Yes, sometimes 10.8%
No, other 9.9%
No, but I plan to 4.5%
Yes, all the time 3.6%
223 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you send Christmas e-greetings to your clients or it is rather up to them to greet their vendors?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 23, 2024
No, I do not, I am a vendor only. 35.4%
Yes, I do, but only to regular clients. 18.4%
Yes, I do. 14.6%
Other thoughts - pls share. 13.3%
Never, it would be like hidden marketing. 9.5%
Christmas time does not apply to my culture. 8.9%
158 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which web browser did you use the most in 2024?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 22, 2024
Chrome 52.2%
Firefox 30.2%
Brave 4.9%
Edge 4.4%
Opera 3.8%
Safari 2.2%
Vivaldi 1.1%
Other (please share) 1.1%
182 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you tried AI-assisted video generation?
By Ekaterina Chashnikova - featured on Dec 21, 2024
No, and I do not plan to 50.0%
No, I'm not aware of these capabilities 25.2%
No, but I plan to 14.5%
No, other 7.3%
Yes, I generated video from text 2.6%
Yes, I tried both text-to-video and avatars 0.4%
Yes, I tried video generation with avatars 0.0%
234 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do translation agencies make you feel valued?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 20, 2024
Mostly yes 45.1%
Mostly no 30.8%
Yes 10.2%
No 9.8%
N/A 4.1%
295 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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ProZ polls should be related strictly to the translation industry (no random questions).
By anonymous - featured on Dec 19, 2024
Agree 44.6%
I don't care / I don't know 33.0%
Disagree 22.5%
285 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Where do vendor managers go to find freelance translators/interpreters?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 18, 2024 51.4%
Other N/A 27.1%
Referrals 13.1%
Associations 7.9%
Trade shows 0.5%
Universities 0.0%
214 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What will be the most common measure to invoice language services in 2030?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 17, 2024
By word 52.7%
By hour 19.9%
By project 17.4%
Other 10.0%
281 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Should LSPs hire sales staff from outside the industry?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 16, 2024
Better to have a mix of both. 40.2%
Other (discuss) 29.5%
Skip the learning curve, hire insiders. 17.4%
Yes, what matters are sales skills. 12.9%
132 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which was the busiest quarter for you this year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 15, 2024
Fourth quarter 26.3%
No seasonality 20.4%
First quarter 19.8%
Third quarter 15.6%
Second quarter 12.6%
Other (please share) 5.4%
167 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At what age do you think children should have access to their own personal phone?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 14, 2024
14–16 years old 37.2%
11–13 years old 24.1%
17 years or older 13.5%
Only when necessary (e.g., for safety) 12.0%
8–10 years old 8.3%
N/A (please share) 3.4%
Under 8 years old 1.5%
266 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When working, how often do you check your phone messages?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 13, 2024
Frequently (every 10-30 minutes) 35.7%
Rarely (only during breaks) 31.3%
Always (constantly checking messages) 16.5%
Other (please share) 9.6%
Never (I don't check it during work) 6.9%
291 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How important is impartiality when translating?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 12, 2024
Extremely important 63.5%
Somewhat important 18.8%
It depends 11.3%
N/A Other 3.8%
Not very important 2.6%
266 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you handle confidentiality and data security when working with sensitive information?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 11, 2024
Sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) 48.7%
Other (please share) 21.8%
Limit data sharing 12.8%
Store files securely 12.8%
Use secure translation tools 3.8%
Seek professional advice 0.0%
78 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you see/get less job offers from this site than a year ago?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 10, 2024
Yes 63.6%
I am not sure 18.7%
No 8.8%
Other N/A 8.8%
374 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you planning to leave the translation industry in the next few years?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 9, 2024
No 55.2%
Maybe 22.6%
Yes 16.0%
N/A Other 6.1%
212 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As the year comes to an end, how would you describe your work experience this year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 8, 2024
Quieter than I expected 42.9%
A good balance of work and rest 26.4%
Other (discuss) 12.1%
Challenging but rewarding 10.4%
It was my busiest year yet! 8.2%
182 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you supported any charity organization lately?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 7, 2024
Regularly. 29.6%
Occasionally. 29.2%
No, not recently. 18.4%
I don’t support charity organizations. 18.4%
No, but I plan to. 4.4%
250 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you consider having weekly virtual coworking sessions with colleagues?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 6, 2024
Never 45.5%
It depends 24.7%
Maybe 16.1%
Yes. 11.0%
Other N/A 2.7%
299 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ever buy any goods related to work on Black Friday?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 5, 2024
I don’t usually participate. 48.9%
No, I don’t shop for work-related items. 19.2%
No, but I take note of deals for the future. 10.9%
N/A (please share) 7.2%
Yes, I buy office supplies or equipment. 5.1%
Yes, I invest in books or resources. 5.1%
Yes, I stock up on software and tools. 3.6%
276 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many hours a day do you work (excl. weekends)?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 4, 2024
It depends on the project 38.7%
Less than 8 24.4%
Up to 8 18.9%
12-16 8.1%
8 7.0%
Other thoughts (pls comment) 2.9%
344 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you usually schedule your deadlines?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 3, 2024
Based on word count and estimated hours 25.9%
I follow the client's suggested deadline 23.2%
I set a buffer to allow for unforeseen issues 19.8%
I prioritize based on urgency and workload 15.7%
I rely on experience and intuition 7.8%
N/A Other 4.1%
I use a fixed daily output (e.g., X words/hs) 3.4%
293 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you get updated on translation trends?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 2, 2024
Other (please share) 30.5%
ProZ Translation news 22.7%
Networking with colleagues 13.6%
Webinars 13.0%
Industry publications 11.0%
Conferences 5.2%
Blogs 3.9%
154 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which type of translation project do you find most rewarding?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 1, 2024
Technical translation 24.0%
Marketing/creative content 22.3%
Medical translation 15.4%
Literary translation 14.9%
Other (please share) 14.3%
Legal translation 9.1%
175 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which personal characteristic has worked well for you in your career?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 30, 2024
Attention to detail 33.3%
Curiosity and research skills 16.7%
Other (please specify) 12.4%
Time management skills 10.3%
Adaptability to different topics 8.5%
Strong communication abilities 8.1%
Love for continuous learning 6.4%
Cultural awareness and sensitivity 4.3%
234 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you feel about language companies integrating AI localization capabilities?
By Bora Taşdemir - featured on Nov 29, 2024
It's important not to stay behind 28.9%
AI hype is overrated 25.9%
AI localization is still premature 15.1%
Other (please share) 10.0%
They'll face data privacy issues 7.5%
Opting out AI technology might be better 7.5%
AI localization is already indispensable 5.0%
239 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What variant of English do you speak?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 28, 2024
British English 46.2%
American English 44.6%
Canadian English 3.3%
Indian English 3.0%
Australian English 1.3%
South African English 1.3%
New Zealand English 0.3%
305 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you taken any CPD trainings in the last 5 years in any of these subjects?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 27, 2024
None of the above 48.9%
2/3 of the above 14.9%
Other (please share) 8.0%
Subject matter 8.0%
Technology 4.2%
Post editing 4.2%
4/5 of the above 3.8%
Localisation 3.1%
All of the above 2.3%
Finance 1.5%
Soft skills (management, negotation, etc) 1.1%
262 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6147 polls, displaying 51 through 100