Translation glossary: IT

Showing entries 1-20 of 20
any-to-any naturesans contraintes, any-to-any ou n-n 
English to French
blogjurnal web 
English to Romanian
burst traffictrafic in rafale (brust-uri) 
English to Romanian
Configurateur en arborescencetree configurator 
French to English
fractura vicios consolidatamalunited fracture 
Romanian to English
host based printing systemsistem de tiparire instalat pe un calculator gazda 
English to Romanian
informatica si sisteme de calculinformatics and computing systems 
Romanian to English
junior pagemini-pagina 
English to Romanian
native documentsdocumente native 
English to Romanian
OEM (original equipment manufacturer)OEM 
English to Romanian
paging datapaginer les donnees 
English to French
project materials and deliverablesles matériels et les produits livrables du projet 
English to French
reconnu de façon native par Windowsrecunoscut nativ de Windows 
French to Romanian
sisteme expert de gestiuneexpert management systems 
Romanian to English
softswitchcomutator sau controlor de program 
English to Romanian
software roundingerreur d'arrondi du logiciel 
English to French
Solution Development ConsultantConseiller en développement de solutions informatiques 
English to French
stackstiva (stack) de comunicare 
English to Romanian
text-to-speech and speech-to-text,text-to-speech, speech-to-text 
English to Romanian
tray processorprocesseurs version tray ou OEM 
English to French
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