Translation glossary: Public Health

Showing entries 51-100 of 383
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török - angol
Böbrek EnfeksiyonlarıInfections of kidney 
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Böbrek Sağlığı ve Diyaliz Mrk.Hast.Kidney Health and Dialys›s Ctr. Hosp. 
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Bölge Hıfzıssıhha EnstitüsüInstitute of Hygiene of Region 
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BoğmacaWhooping Cough 
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BoğmacaWhooping cough 
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Bronşit, Amfizem ve AstımBronchitis, emphysema and asthma 
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Bütün Diğer Parazit HastalıklarıAll other infective and parasitic diseases 
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Bütün Diğer KazalarAll other accidents 
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Bütün Diğer ve Belirtilmeyen Yerl. Habis UrlarMalignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites 
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Cervix UteriCervix Uteri 
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Cervix Uteri Habis UruMalignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 
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Çevre SağlığıEnvironmental Health 
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Çocuk Hastalıkları Hast.Child Diseases Hospital 
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Cüzam Savaş DispanseriLeprosy Dispensary 
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Demirbaş AlımlarıPurchase of Inventory 
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Deri ve Deri Altı Dokusu EnfeksiyonuInfections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 
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Deri ve Deri Altı Dokusunun Diğer HastalıklarıOther diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue 
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Deri-Tenasül Hst.DispanseriDermatology-Veneral Diseases Disp. 
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Derinin Habis UruMalignant neoplasm of skin 
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Destek Hizm.YatırımlarıInvestment of Supporting Services 
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Dispanser ve Revir YatağıBeds of Dispansery Hospital 
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Diyabet HastanesiDiabetes Hospital 
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Diyafram, köpük, jelDiaphragm, foam,jelly 
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Diğer DüşüklerOther and unspecified abortion 
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Diğer Katı ve Sıvı Maddelerle Olan Zehirl.Accidental poisoning by oth. solid and liquid substances 
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Diğer Meslek DersleriOther Profession Lesson 
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Diğer Nefrit ve NefrozlarOther nephritis and nephrosis 
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Diğer Pnomoni ?ekilleriOther pneumonia 
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Diğer Sağlık Prs.Other Health Pers. 
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Diğer Taşıt KazalarıOther transport accidents 
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Diğer Virüs HastalıklarıOther viral diseases 
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Diş HastanesiDental Diseases Hospital 
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Diş HekimiDentist 
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Diş ProtezDental Prosthesis 
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Diş ve Dişleri Destekleyen Dokuların Hastl.Diseases of teeth and supporting structures 
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Dolaşım Sisteminin Diğer HastalıklarıOther diseases of circulatory system 
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Dolaşım Sisteminin Doğuştan Gelme AnomalileriOther congenital anomalies of circulatory system 
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Donatım Bölge MüdürlüğüDirectorate of Equipment of Region 
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