Glossary entry

Arabic term or phrase:

التوت اليابس

English translation:

dry mulberry branches

Added to glossary by Andrew Cavell
Apr 4, 2011 14:49
13 yrs ago
Arabic term

التوت اليابس

Arabic to English Science Botany
الأخشاب التي يتم استعمالها كفحم للشواء هي أخشاب النارنج والتوت اليابس

It's talking about the wood needed for cooking masgouf [barbequed fish] in Iraq. Full article is here:

I know توت is mulberry, but the word also seems to have a more generic meaning of "berry". So this might mean "dry berry", or "dry mulberry" or some other berry.

Thank you for any help!

Proposed translations

18 mins

dry mulberry branches

Peer comment(s):

neutral TargamaT team : هل رأيته في إحدى الدول العربية ؟ إذن هو Morus وليس mulberry
1 hr
في صغري كنت أتسلق شجرة التوت لألتقط ثمارها وهذا في الإمارات
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all! I understand mulberry is the common word for morus. Someone also mentioned that it can be considered unlucky to chop down a mulberry tree, hence dry branches seems to fit well."
11 mins

bared morus

We use it in Syria, اليابس = bared
Peer comment(s):

agree Mohsin Alabdali
16 hrs
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