Translation glossary: Arts and Humanities

Showing entries 1-50 of 621
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A kartveli nyelvek a Dél-Kaukázusban őshonos és elsősorban Grúziában beszélt nyelvcsaládok.The Kartvelian languages are a language family indigenous to the South Caucasus and spoken primarily in Georgia. 
węgierski > angielski
A língua veneziana é por vezes adicionada ao italo-dálmata quando excluída do gallo-itálico, e então geralmente agrupada com Istriot.The Venetian language is sometimes added to Italo-Dalmatian when excluded from Gallo-Italic, and then usually grouped with Istriot. 
portugalski > angielski
A maioria das tintas acrílicas são à base de água, mas tornam-se resistentes à água quando secas.Most acrylic paints are water-based, but become water-resistant when dry. 
portugalski > angielski
A mongol nyelvekMongolic languages 
węgierski > angielski
A mongol nyelveklimbi mongolice 
węgierski > rumuński
A seconda di quanto la vernice viene diluita con acqua o modificata con gel acrilici, mezzi o paste, la pittura acrilica finita può assomigliare a un acquerello, un guazzo o un dipinto ad olio.Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, mediums, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor, a gouache, or an oil painting. 
włoski > angielski
Acrylfarbe ist eine schnell trocknende Farbe aus Pigment, das in Acrylpolymeremulsion und Weichmachern, Silikonölen, Entschäumern, Stabilisatoren oder Metallseifen suspendiert ist.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
niemiecki > angielski
Acrylfarben auf Wasserbasis werden als Latex-Hausfarben verwendet.Water-based acrylic paints are used as latex house paints. 
niemiecki > angielski
Acrylic mála er ein fast-drying mála, sum er gjørdur úr einum rylic polymer emulsion and plastizers, silicone oljus, defoamers, stabilizers, or metals.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
farerski > angielski
Acrylic paintings broytti heimin í plast listunum.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
farerski > angielski
Acrylmalereien veränderten die Welt der bildenden Kunst.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
niemiecki > angielski
Acrylschilderijen veranderden de wereld van de beeldende kunst.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
niderlandzki > angielski
Acrylverf is een sneldrogende verf gemaakt van pigment gesuspendeerd in acrylpolymeeremulsie en weekmakers, siliconenoliën, ontschuimers, stabilisatoren of metalen zepen.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
niderlandzki > angielski
Acrylverf op waterbasis wordt gebruikt als latex huisverf.Water-based acrylic paints are used as latex house paints. 
niderlandzki > angielski
Afhankelijk van hoeveel de verf wordt verdund met water of gemodificeerd met acrylgels, mediums of pasta\'s, kan het afgewerkte acrylschilderij lijken op een aquarel, een gouache of een olieverfschilderij.Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, mediums, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor, a gouache, or an oil painting. 
niderlandzki > angielski
Afhængigt af hvor meget malingen fortyndes med vand eller modificeres med akrylgeler, medier eller pastaer, kan det færdige akrylmaleri ligne en akvarel, en gouache eller et oliemaleri.Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, mediums, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor, a gouache, or an oil painting. 
duński > angielski
agglutinierende Sprachenagglutinative languages 
niemiecki > angielski
Akrýlmálning er hraðþurrkunarmálning úr litarefni sem er hengt upp í akrýl fjölliðu fleyti og plastefnum, sílikonolíum, ærumeiðingum, stöðugleikaefnum eða málmsápum.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
islandzki > angielski
Akrýlmálverk breyttu heimi plastlistanna.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
islandzki > angielski
Akrilik boya, akrilik polimer emülsiyon ve plastikleştiriciler, silikon yağları, köpük gidericiler, stabilizatörler veya metal sabunlarda asılı duran pigmentten yapılmış hızlı kuruyan bir boyadır.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
turecki > angielski
Akrilna boja je boja koja se brzo suši izrađena od pigmenta suspendiranog u akrilnoj polimernoj emulziji i plastifikatorima, silikonskim uljima, defoamerima, stabilizatorima ili metalnim sapunima.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
chorwacki > angielski
Akrilne boje na vodenoj osnovi koriste se kao kućne boje od lateksa.Water-based acrylic paints are used as latex house paints. 
chorwacki > angielski
Akrylfärg är en snabbtorkande färg gjord av pigment suspenderat i akrylpolymeremulsion och mjukgörare, silikonoljor, skumdämpare, stabilisatorer eller metalltvålar.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
szwedzki > angielski
Akrylmalerier ændrede verden af den bildende kunst.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
duński > angielski
Akrylmalerier endret plastkunstens verden.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
Akrylmaling er en hurtigtørkende maling laget av pigment suspendert i akrylpolymeremulsjon og myknere, silikonoljer, skumdempere, stabilisatorer eller metallsåper.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
Akrylmaling er en hurtigtørrende maling lavet af pigment suspenderet i akrylpolymeremulsion og blødgørere, silikoneolier, skumdæmpere, stabilisatorer eller metalsæber.Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion and plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. 
duński > angielski
Akrylmålningar förändrade plastkonstens värld.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
szwedzki > angielski
Akrylové barvy na vodní bázi se používají jako latexové barvy.Water-based acrylic paints are used as latex house paints. 
czeski > angielski
Akrylové malby změnily svět výtvarného umění.Acrylic paintings altered the world of the plastic arts. 
czeski > angielski
akustische Gitarreacoustic guitar 
niemiecki > angielski
Alle Schriften verwenden das lateinische Alphabet, aber konventionelle Schreibweisen können von Phase zu Phase variieren.All scripts use the Latin alphabet, but conventional spellings may vary from phase to phase. 
niemiecki > angielski
allegorydie Allegorie 
angielski > niemiecki
Altaic languageslimbi altaice 
angielski > rumuński
andere Buchstaben sind verschiedenen Schriften entlehntother letters are borrowed from different scripts 
niemiecki > angielski
andre bokstaver lånes fra forskjellige skriptother letters are borrowed from different scripts 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
angewandte Kunstapplied Arts 
niemiecki > angielski
As cores primárias são as três cores que não são misturadas e, portanto, têm que ser compradas prontas a usar.The primary colours are the three colour shades that are not mixable and therefore have to be bought ready to use. 
portugalski > angielski
As cores secundárias são obtidas misturando duas das três cores primárias juntas.Secondary colours are obtained by mixing two of the three primary colours together. 
portugalski > angielski
As cores terciárias são criadas misturando duas cores adjacentes do círculo de cores das cores primárias e secundárias.The tertiary colours are created by mixing two adjacent colours of the colour circle of the primary and secondary colours. 
portugalski > angielski
As línguas kartvelianas são uma família linguística indígena do Cáucaso do Sul e falada principalmente na Geórgia.The Kartvelian languages are a language family indigenous to the South Caucasus and spoken primarily in Georgia. 
portugalski > angielski
as línguas mongólicasMongolic languages 
portugalski > angielski
as línguas mongólicaslimbi mongolice 
portugalski > rumuński
as línguas uralo-altaicasUral-Altaic languages 
portugalski > angielski
as línguas uralo-altaicaslimbi uralo-altaice 
portugalski > rumuński
As tintas acrílicas à base de água são usadas como tintas de casa de látex.Water-based acrylic paints are used as latex house paints. 
portugalski > angielski
Auf den Philippinen und in der westlichen Welt verwenden viele Organisationen, Regierungen und Schulen Latein für ihre Mottos, da es mit Formalität, Tradition und den Wurzeln der westlichen Kultur in Verbindung gebracht wird.In the Philippines and in the Western world, many organizations, governments and schools use Latin for their mottos due to its association with formality, tradition, and the roots of Western culture. 
niemiecki > angielski
Avhengig av hvor mye malingen er fortynnet med vann, eller modifisert med akrylgeler, medier eller pastaer, kan det ferdige akrylmaleriet ligne en akvarell, en gouache eller et oljemaleri.Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, mediums, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor, a gouache, or an oil painting. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
Það eru um það bil 5.2 milljónir Kartvelian ræðumanna um allan heim.There are approximately 5.2 million Kartvelian speakers worldwide. 
islandzki > angielski
Það fer eftir því hversu mikið málningin er þynnt með vatni, eða breytt með akrýlgelum, miðlum eða líma, fullunnið akrýlmálverk getur líkst vatnslit, gouache eða olíumálverki.Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, mediums, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor, a gouache, or an oil painting. 
islandzki > angielski
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