Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

с естественным розовым оттенком

English translation:

(with a) natural pink/pinkish glow

Added to glossary by Tatiana Grehan
Oct 22, 2016 19:49
7 yrs ago
Russian term

с естественным розовым оттенком

Russian to English Other Cosmetics, Beauty Face Creams
В итоге кожа становится светлее, с естественным розовым оттенком.

thanks in advance!
Change log

Oct 27, 2016 11:17: Tatiana Grehan Created KOG entry


Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 26, 2016:
And what do dictionaries say (cntd.)? glow (gloʊ)
1. a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity; incandescence: the glow of coals in the fireplace.
2. brightness of color.
3. a sensation or state of bodily heat.
4. a warm, ruddy color of the cheeks.
5. warmth of emotion or passion; ardor.
6. to emit bright light and heat without flame; become incandescent.
7. to shine like something intensely heated.
8. to be lustrously red or brilliant.
9. (of the cheeks) to exhibit a healthy, ruddy color.
10. to become or feel very warm or hot.
11. to show emotion or elation: to glow with pride.
[before 1000; Old English glōwan; akin to Old High German gluoen, Old Norse glōa]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 26, 2016:
And what do dictionaries say (cntd.)? glow (ɡləʊ)
1. (General Physics) light emitted by a substance or object at a high temperature
2. a steady even light without flames
3. brilliance or vividness of colour
4. brightness or ruddiness of complexion
5. a feeling of wellbeing or satisfaction
6. intensity of emotion; ardour
vb (intr)
7. to emit a steady even light without flames
8. to shine intensely, as if from great heat
9. to be exuberant or high-spirited, as from excellent health or intense emotion
10. to experience a feeling of wellbeing or satisfaction: to glow with pride.
11. (esp of the complexion) to show a strong bright colour, esp a shade of red
12. to be very hot
[Old English glōwan; related to Old Norse glōa, Old High German gluoen, Icelandic glōra to sparkle]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014

Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 26, 2016:
And what do dictionaries say (cntd.)? glow (glō)
intr.v. glowed, glow·ing, glows
1. To shine brightly and steadily, especially without a flame: Embers glowed in the furnace.
a. To have a bright, warm, usually reddish color: The children's cheeks glowed from the cold.
b. To flush; blush.
3. To be exuberant or radiant: parents glowing with pride.
1. A light produced by a body heated to luminosity; incandescence.
2. Brilliance or warmth of color, especially redness: "the evening glow of the city streets when the sun has gone behind the tallest houses" (Seán O'Faoláin).
3. A sensation of physical warmth.
4. A warm feeling, as of pleasure or well-being.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016

Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 26, 2016:
And what do dictionaries say (cntd.)? tint (tĭnt)
1. a variety of a color; hue.
2. a color diluted with white.
3. a delicate or pale color.
4. any of various commercial hair dyes.
5. a uniform shading, as in an engraving.
6. Also called tint′ block`. a faintly colored background upon which to print an illustration.
7. to color slightly.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 26, 2016:
And what do dictionaries say? tint (tĭnt)
1. A shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation.
2. A gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen its saturation.
3. A barely detectable amount or degree; a trace.
4. A shaded effect in engraving produced by fine, close, parallel lines.
5. Printing A panel of light color on which matter in another color is to be printed, as in an illustration.
6. A dye for the hair.
tr. & intr.v. tint·ed, tint·ing, tints
To give a tint to or take on a tint.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 2016

1. (Colours) a shade of a colour, esp a pale one
2. (Colours) a colour that is softened or desaturated by the addition of white
3. a tinge
4. (Hairdressing & Grooming) a semipermanent dye for the hair
5. a trace or hint: a tint of jealousy in his voice.
6. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) engraving uniform shading, produced esp by hatching
7. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a panel of colour serving as a background to letters or other matter
8. (tr) to colour or tinge
9. (tr) to change or influence slightly: his answer was tinted by his prior knowledge
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition
Tatiana Grehan Oct 25, 2016:
Thank you, Rachel! You've summed it all up perfectly!
Rachel Douglas Oct 25, 2016:
Usage Oleg, I was trying - apparently unsuccessfully - to drive home with a joke what Tatiana said about "shine": it's out of place in describing a desired effect on skin. And "glare" is even more so. "Your skin becomes lighter, with a natural pink glare" - gaak, no way! You seem to think that "glow" would be just as out of place, but in English "glow" has been used for hundreds of years to describe skin. Not always with color, but if there is a color then it's some dawn or sunset color like pink, rosy, golden. Conversely, if skin is described as acquiring a shade like pink or apricot, then "glow" is an appropriate, positive description.

20th century examples:"cheeks * a * glow"#...

Shakespeare (as a verb):
For her own person,
It beggar'd all description: she did lie
In her pavilion--cloth-of-gold of tissue--
O'er-picturing that Venus where we see
The fancy outwork nature: on each side her
Stood pretty dimpled boys, like smiling Cupids,
With divers-colour'd fans, whose wind did seem
To glow the delicate cheeks which they did cool,
And what they undid did.
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
There is nothing better than... ...artificial additives with a natural taste

Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
To: Rachel Sorry, but do you really mean that the 'pink glare' referenced to by your hyperlink is actually the 'естественный розовый оттенок кожи' which 'становится светлее' (and, under the ASKER's context, should be pursued by every lady)?

Whatever, 'There's No Limit To Perfection' as allegedly was said by the Second Lady on Earth according to non-justifiable sources of information. :-)
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
Татьяна, ну и ладушки!

Остаюсь в нетерпеливом ожидании того момента, когда вследствие 'reverse translation' на сайтах ведущих косметических брендов мира появится словоблок 'с естественным розовым отливом кожи'. :-)))
Tatiana Grehan Oct 25, 2016:
Олег, просто на том основании, что никогда не встречала в данном контексте ни glare, ни shine. Кстати, shine в плане косметики или макияжа - это то, от чего большинство женщин, наоборот, стараются избавиться. Поэтому существуют различные anti-shine/mattifying products. Как поется в песне, "вы просто поверьте, а поймете потом" :)
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
Татьяне: разбор контекста А почему для "сиять" Вы выбираете "glow" <-> "пылать"/"наливаться румянцем"/"накаляться докрасна" (или, в отдельных случаях, даже "добела")??? А не "shine" (или, скажем, "glare" - что скорее отражает аспект "сверкать")???

Я ничего не имею против тех женщин, которые стремятся "to glow", или "to glare", или "to shine", или "to have a natural rose tint of skin" - каждому своё (или, как заметили наши предки, Suum cuique).

A propos, у меня слово 'glow' в первую очередь вызывает ассоциацию с потоком лавы, извергающейся из вулкана, затем - с доменной печью, затем - с пылающими углями в просто печи или костре, но никак ни с 'естественным розовым оттенком кожи', которая к тому же в результате 'становится светлее' (согласно переводимому Арабеллой тексту). Поскольку любые приходящие в голову варианты 'glowing' предполагают постепенное, но 'затухание'. А 'розы' ассоциируются с 'расцветанием'.

Imho, в Kudoze главное - это выбор Askera, а не мои или кого бы то ни было еще языковые предпочтения.

Спасибо The Tower of Babel --> именно с этого судьбоносного момента истории человечества наша переводческая профессия стала (и остается) востребованной. :-)

Tatiana Grehan Oct 25, 2016:
Олегу: поверьте мне, как женщине - в рекламном тексте косметического продукта glow звучит привлекательнее, чем tint. Ну любим мы "сиять", что ж тут поделаешь! :)
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
What is glow? Отлив?
eduard_ Oct 25, 2016:
OMG I read it wrong! Yes it is glow
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
What are оттенки розового?

Розовый — цвет заката и лепестков розыистинно женственный цвет. Его характеризуют как нежность, стремление к стабильности, цвет материнства, слабости, наивности, не объективности восприятия мира. Это цвет всепоглощающей, верной любви и ласки.

Оттенки розового – это 168 тонов (в палитре Пантон), широкая гамма теплых и холодных, светлых и темных оттенков, с оранжевым, маджентовым, фиолетовым, коричневым и серым отливом.

- цвет ангельского крыла
- цвет розовых лепестков
- цвет дымчатой розы
- цвет хрустальной розы
- английский розовый цвет
- цвет розы в тени
- цвет розовой орхидеи
- цвет свадебных роз
- цвет распустившейся розы
- цвет ледяной розы
- цвет кашемировой розы

English names for rose colours are available here -->

English names for pink colours are available here -->

Unfortunately, PANTONE does not provide any answer to the question what is a 'natural rose', or 'natural pink', or 'rosy', or 'pinkish' colo(u)r. :-((
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 25, 2016:
Re: pink vs. pinkish / rose vs. rosy.

In Russian it is розовый vs. розоватый.
Rachel Douglas Oct 24, 2016:
@eduard But "glow" is used very frequently to describe the effect of cosmetics."powder * skin a * glow" It has nothing to do with glowing in the dark.

The question here would be whether it adequately conveys the sense of "оттенок" - that it's a tinge of this color, or a hint of it. I think that by adjusting the form of the color adjective from "pink" to "pinkish" or from "rose" to "rosy," this can be done. And no, Oleg, it does not remind me of pigs.
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 24, 2016:
What about the second part of this advertising / marketing puzzle - 'естественный розовый'?

In my humble opinion, 'pink/pinkish' is first associated with a 'pig/piglet' -->розовый как свинья&newwindow=...
Ellen Kraus Oct 24, 2016:
There are 15 ! different English equivalents for the Russian word оттенок; but glow is not among them. If the author had wanted to create the impression of a "glow" he wouldnt have used оттенок. Glow here is Tatiana`s personal preference, nice though but not entirely to the point or not exactly conveying what the writer had in mind.
eduard_ Oct 24, 2016:
It's funny that I was going to post an entry against glow and discover Rachel's post. Anyhoo, glowing skin is a common expression when we talk about human skin but I do not think it can used for cosmetic products. If you say that this moisturizer glows it would probably mean that it glows in the dark or it's shiny.
Rachel Douglas Oct 24, 2016:
In defense of "glow" In the context of cosmetics, particularly a product that promises to make the skin светлее, I think that "glow" is a legitimate synonym of "tinge," "hint," etc. It often serves in that sense, with colors that appear in the sky at dawn or sunset. The sense of "slightest" in these examples can be conveyed by using "pinkish" or "rosy" rather than "pink" or "rose" here.

"She had long brown hair, which fell loosely about her shoulders and a few freckles that graced her pale skin with the slightest glow of pink on the cheeks""t...

Marnia. A rich radiant orange, with just the slightest glow of pink showing through. We consider this the best large flowered orange yet introduced.'s_garden_book_...
Oleg Lozinskiy Oct 22, 2016:
To (@): 'The Misha' What about 'natural rose tint' (suggested by me) or 'natural pink/pinkish glow' (suggested by Tatiana)?

Any comments?

Proposed translations

29 mins

(with a) natural pink/pinkish glow

Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. : Personally, ...never mind. A very comely phrase.
9 mins
Thank you!
agree Rachel Douglas
50 mins
Thank you, Rachel!
agree Dylan Edwards
12 hrs
Thank you, Dylan!
agree Irina Klimina
14 hrs
Спасибо, Ирина!
agree Alexandra Schneeuhr
1 day 13 hrs
Спасибо, Александра!
agree eduard_ : I read it wrong!
1 day 23 hrs
Exactly! Please read the Asker's sentence again. It goes: " becomes lighter with a pink(ish) glow..." In the russian sentence the word "оттенок" refers to skin, not to a product.
neutral Oleg Lozinskiy : I would say that 'glow' is closer to 'отлив'.|Как я отметил в своем ответе, на "tint of skin" гугл выдает на-гора множество примеров того, что это - "естественный" оттенок кожи, даже когда этот оттенок является одним из симптомов серьезного заболевания.
2 days 20 hrs
Вне контекста - да! Но это тот случай, когда более точный перевод не является наиболее подходящим. Приведенные мной примеры подтверждают, что в отношении цвета кожи "pink(ish) glow" лучше, чем "pink tint". Tint - если бы речь шла о цвете косм.средства.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you, Tatiana!"
9 mins

in a natural pink shade

would be my Suggestion
Peer comment(s):

disagree The Misha : It's not "shade". Shade is what you look for when it's hot. In natural English it's called a "hue". As always, the devil is in the usage.
7 mins
What a grotesque comment ! hue is a colour or a shade of a colour; thus shade and its many equivalents are nothing but a a synonym of hue..
agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. : Well, it is hot in hell, and the she-devil wears Prada or whatever she wants. There are lipsticks in various shades of pink: crush some rose petals and apply the powder to your lips for a natural pink shade(
27 mins
Thank you, MacroJanus ! I like your type of humour
neutral Rachel Douglas : I voted for Tatiana's, and "with" is definitely better than "in," but I would like to dispute Misha's denunciation of "shade." In such a context it's a completely legitimate synonym of "hue." But I do think Tatiana's "glow" captures оттенок better.
1 hr
There are 15 ! different English equivalents for the Russian word оттенок; but glow is not among them. If the author had wanted to create the impression of a "glow" he wouldnt have used оттенок. Glow here is your personal preference, nice though but n
agree eduard_ : with a shade of natural pink
1 day 2 hrs
Thank you, eduard ! with is preferable to "in" as you say.
Something went wrong...
1 hr

with natural pink undertone

оттенок кожи - skin undertone
Peer comment(s):

agree Roman Bardachev
22 hrs
agree Oleg Lozinskiy
2 days 19 hrs
Something went wrong...
29 mins

with a natural rose tint

Решила попробовать очередную новинку эйвон - на этот раз увлажняющий бальзам для губ люкс. У меня оттенок Rose Tint ...

Люкс "Нежность шелка" в оттенках Изысканный розовый и Роскошный нюд / Avon Luxe Silken lip perfector in Natural Tint and Rose tint ...

Данных бальзамов у них три - Natural tint (Роскошный нюд), Honey Tint (Восхитительный медовый) и Rose Tint (Изысканный розовый).

Etc. "rose tin...

З.Ы. To 'The Misha' - my turn to try a 'natural English speaking' option (естественно от Avon). :-)))

Note added at 2 дн20 час (2016-10-25 16:47:23 GMT)

Examples of "tint of skin" usage:

Men should be judged not by their tint of skin, the gods they serve, the vintage they drink, nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, but by the quality of the thought ...

Warm, cool, and neutral are the terms generally used to describe the undertone or tint of skin. There are a few ways to figure out...

.. and this is like a sheer tint of skin-perfecting color that just happens to have some sun protection hidden inside…

Changes in color or tint of skin ...

Lovely packaging. Blends like a dream. Gorgeous finish and stays true to the claim of around 16 hours. Very nice tint of skin...

XXX had unnatural tint of skin

Physical characteristics such as tint of skin, eye colour and length of hair can be tweaked to give you that winning look as you walk or fly around ...

Fun fact (since you all seem to have forgotten it...obviously) its not uncommon for whiteskinned children to be born with a darker tint of skin...

These tanners are designed to transform the complexion and tint of skin without having to expose it to dangerous UV light...

EVERY human being is different from different eye color, ear size and even tint of skin. These things shouldn't make us inferior or viewed any ...

Etc., etc.

Note added at 2 дн21 час (2016-10-25 17:02:56 GMT)

P.S. BTW, there are several other English equivalents of the word 'оттенок' that have not been brought into the discussion but nevertheless could work well in the given context:

Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. : Sure.
9 mins
Thank you, Frank!
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