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Icelandic to English

Icelandic and Scandinavian languages

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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization
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Blue Board entries made by this user  1 entry

Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 5
French to English: Excerpt from legal text - Extrait d'un document légal
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - French
Du fait d'un risque d'examen de situation fiscale personnelle (ESFP), le meme notaire met en garde John Smith, par divers courriers de mars à juillet 2011 (A12, A13, and A19), contre (i) le risque de redressement résultant d'une écart trop important entre son train de vie et ses revenus déclarés et (ii) le risque qu'un tel ESFP conduise l'adminstration fiscale à s'interroger non pas sur le montant des revenus mais sur leur origine.
Translation - English
Because of the risk of a personal audit, the same notary warns John Smith, in various letters dated from March to July 2011 (A12, A13, and A19), against: (i) the risk of a tax reassessment resulting from the significant gap between his lifestyle and his declared income and; (ii) the risk that such an ESFP could not only lead the tax authorities to inquire about the amount of income, but about its origin as well.
Icelandic to English: Procurement contract
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Icelandic
Jafnframt er óskað eftir tilboðum í viðgerðar- og merkingaþjónustu fyrir vinnufatnaðinn ef bjóðandi hefur yfir þeirri þjónustu að ráða eða er í samstarfi við undirverktaka sem sér um viðgerðar- og merkingaþjónustu.

Ekki er ljóst hvaða magn verður keypt á grundvelli útboðs þessa, þar sem
rammasamningar eru gerðir um tiltekna vöru- eða þjónustuflokka í tiltekinn tíma, án þess að magntölur séu þekktar. Kaupin fara eftir því hvernig kaupendahópurinn er samsettur á hverjum tíma.

Áskilinn er réttur til að kaupa 10% utan samnings til að koma til móts viðeinstaka notendur, til að reyna nýja vöru s.s. vörur sem eru hagkvæmar fyrir efnahagslífið og umhverfið (vistvæn innkaup) og vörur sem stuðla beint og/eða óbeint að hagkvæmum innkaupum.
Translation - English
At the same time, tenders are sought for mending and marking services for work wear if a tenderer can offer those services himself or in cooperation with a subcontractor who would be responsible for mending and marking services.

It is not certain what quantity will be purchased on the basis of this tender, as framework contracts are made about specific product or service categories for a certain amount of time, without the quantities being known. The procurement depends on how the buyer-group is composed at any given time.

The right to purchase 10% outside of a contract is reserved in order to meet the needs of individual users, in order to try out a new product, e.g. products which are advantageous for the economy and environment (environmentally-friendly purchasing) and products which directly and/or indirectly support efficient purchasing.
Icelandic to English: Scientific text about a rejuvenating skin cream's effectiveness
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Icelandic
Það voru vísindamennirnir Stanley Cohen og Rita Levi-Montalcini sem fyrst uppgötvuðu vaxtarþáttinn EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) en þau fengu Nóbelsverðlaunin 1986 fyrir uppgötvun sína. Rannsóknarvinna þeirra er grunnurinn að notkun EGF í snyrtivörum sem snúast um það að hvetja húðfrumurnar sjálfar til að nýta eigin ferla til endurnýjunar. Þó erfitt sé að mæla þau áhrif sem snyrtivörur hafa á húðina hafa nokkrar vísindalegar rannsóknir sýnt fram á virkni frumuvaka í snyrtivörum. Sumar rannsóknir hafa sýnt betri árangur en skurðaðgerðir með botox, ef frumuvakarnir voru bornir tvisvar sinnum á dag í 4-6 vikur. Helstu niðurstöður rannsóknanna eru að frumurnar fara að líkjast yngri frumum, sem gefur húðinni unglegra útlit, kollagenframleiðsla eykst, einnig framleiðsla á hýalúnsýru (rakagjafi) og elastíni og húðin þykkist eftir nokkra vikna meðhöndlum með frumuvökum.
Translation - English
The scientists Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Montalcini were the first to discover the growth factor EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), and they received the Nobel Prize 1986 for their discovery. Their research forms the basis of the use of EGF in skin care products that revolve around stimulating skins cells to use their own properties in their revitalization. Though it is difficult to measure the effects that skin care products have on skin, some scientific tests have shown the effectivity of cellular activators in skin care products. Some tests have shown better results than operative treatment with Botox if the cellular activators were applied twice a day for 4-6 weeks. The main results of the tests are that the cells begin to resemble younger cells that give the skin a younger look; collagen production is increased along with the production of hyalunoric acid (humectant) and elastin. Skin becomes thicker after a couple of weeks of treatment with cellular activators.
Danish to English: Text on cellular activators
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Danish
EGF cellular activator

EGF er et aktivt protein som kroppen selv producerer og er en del af hudens naturlige fornyelsesproces. Mængden af EGF reduceres med alderen, huden bliver tyndere og mister sin elasticitet. Hudcellerne genkender det aktive EGF protein i serumet og starter en fornyelsesproces, da det bindes til cellereceptoren. EGF BIOeffect serum stimulerer hudcellernes naturlige proces til fornyelse og giver huden ungdommelig friskhed.
Translation - English
EGF cellular activator

Cellular activators are proteins natural to human skin. EGF BIOeffect™ Serum contains EGF cellular activator which controls biological processes inside the skin cells leading to cell proliferation and maintainance of healthy skin. The level of EGF decreases with age and by applying EGF cellular activator topologically some of its funtion is restored and the skin is replenished with its natural freshness.
Danish to English: Pension agreement between two companies
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - Danish
Hvis piloten bliver genansat inden udløbet af udbetalingsperioden, bliver den resterende udbetalingsperiode konverteret til en engangsudbetaling efter de til enhver tid gældende regler.
Piloten kan ved henvendelse inden udbetalingernes start a konverteret de løbende ydelser til en engangs¬udbetaling efter de til enhver tid gældende regler.
Den samlede størrelse af ydelserne har en samlet værdi på 1.000.000 kroner (2013). Den skattefri engangs¬udbetaling udgør maksimalt 100.000 kroner (2013). Evt. resterende beløb anvendes til køb af de løbende ydelser på XYZs ethvert tid gældende nytegningsgrundlag. Er piloten over 62 år og/eller har under 4 års anciennitet på første sygedag, vil der være en aftrapning af den samlede værdi. Aftrapningen regnes forholdsmæssigt for det antal måneder, der mangles i forhold til 4 års anciennitet. Tilsvarende redu¬ceres lineært med hver måned, piloten er over 61 år.
Forsikringen giver ret til udbetaling, hvis piloten får permanent inddraget sit certifikat til flyvning med offentlige passagerfly (trafikflyvercertifikat) i henhold til statens luftfartsvæsens bestemmelser for civil luftart "BL 6-02 Bestemmelser om helbredskrav" på grund af sygdom eller ulykkestilfælde, der ikke skyl¬des forsæt fra piloten, i perioden fra dækningen træder i kraft til den ophører uanset årsagen. Det er desu¬den en betingelse for udbetaling, at betaling for dækningen betales i karensperioden.
Translation - English
If the pilot is re-employed prior to the end of the payout-period, the remaining payout-period will be converted to a lump sum in accordance with applicable rules.
The pilot can, prior to the beginning of the payout period, have the periodical payouts converted to a lump-sum payout in accordance with applicable rules.
The total amount of payouts has a total value of DKK 1 million (2013). The tax-free lump sum comprises maximum DKK 100.000 (2013). Any potential remaining amount is applied for the purchase of the periodical payouts on the basis of XYZ's new policy at any given time. If the pilot is over 62 years old and/or has accrued fewer than 4 years of service on the first day of illness, there will be down-scaling of the total value. The down-scaling is calculated in proportion to the number of months deficient in terms of reaching 4 years of service. Similarly, a reduction is applied linearly for every month after the pilot has reached the age of 61.
The insurance provides right to payout if the pilot has had his license for operation of public passenger aircraft (commercial pilot license) permanently revoked under the CAA provisions for civil aviation "BL 6-02 Regulations on medical requirements" on the basis of illness or accidents, which were not the intent of the pilot, in the period from which the coverage enters into force until it is terminated for any reason. Furthermore, it is a condition of payout, that payment for the coverage has been paid for during the qualifying period.

Translation education Bachelor's degree - Grand Valley State University
Experience Years of experience: 14. Registered at May 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Danish to English (University of Iceland)
Danish to English (Danish Institute of Culture)
Danish to English (IA Sprog Language school)
Danish to English (Studieskolen Language School)
Swedish to English (University of Iceland)

Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume CV available upon request
I'm an American for whom one summer of study abroad in Iceland turned into a permanent move to Northern Europe. Along the way I've studied a good deal of subjects at the university level, while freelancing (with some training in-house in 2010) both as a part-time and full-time translator since 2009. I currently reside in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Among the translation projects I've completed over the years are various documents and reports originating from Danica Pension, the Icelandic Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis, the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, Eimskip Shipping, Icelandair Group, Karolinska Institutet, Rigshospitalet, Althingi, the European Job Mobility Portal (EURES), TM Insurance, the City of Reykjavík, St. Olavs Hospital, the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration, Icelandic Ministry of Justice, Oslo University Hospital, Landsbankinn, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) and many more.

Receiving training and work in the language pair Icelandic to English provided me with a solid base in translation and writing, particularly as a function of the Icelandic language's limited number of speakers, resulting in the necessity to understand, digest and competently reproduce the meaning of texts from a variety of disciplines into my native language of English. This work was complimented with a minor in French with a linguistics concentration from my bachelor studies in psychology as well as my BA studies in Icelandic as a second language with Swedish and Danish coursework as well. Alongside that, I have completed a good deal of coursework in biomedical sciences at both the graduate and bachelor level and have experience in performing scientific research as well as editing and writing for publication in a scientific journal.

I currently study medicine at the University of Copenhagen, on year 6/6. After completion of the sixth and final year of my medical studies, I will graduate with a Danish medical degree, termed candidatus medicinae.

Profile last updated
May 10